Table of Contents
200 Homework
Developmentally appropriate, authentic and relevant homework can provide additional learning experiences for students. Homework should focus on:
- Practice and reinforce classroom learning
- Pre-reading of new material to be introduced in class
- Reading for knowledge and pleasure
Homework is not appropriate for:
- Homework for the sake of homework
- Covering the curriculum or completing a textbook
- Discipline (individual or whole class)
- School holidays
- Evenings or weekends of Morrison school-sponsored events which affect a large segment of their students, such as concerts, plays, tournaments (excluding off-island trips), or other special activities.
- Long term project (1 week or longer) due dates should not fall one or two days after a vacation.
Homework is an instructional strategy and is best used as independent guided practice to support learning. It should generally not be included in the product grade, but rather inform students’ process grades. (Procedure 260) Homework should have different amounts and purposes at different grades.
Elementary school students (grades 1-5) could be given homework to:
- Support development of time management and organizational skills
- Partner with parents in developing the skills and concepts taught in class
- Practice skills and solidify concepts with timely teacher feedback
- Practice oral and silent reading for knowledge and pleasure (Collins, Bempechat 2017)
Middle and high school students should be given homework to:
- Improve achievement
- Extend the time available for both practice and investigative learning
- Help more mature students take charge of their own learning opportunities
- Provide feedback on learning practice
- Encourage independent reading for pleasure
Homework Principles
Based on an analysis of research studies, Morrison Academy supports the following principles:
- Homework assignments for students with individualized education plans (IEP) should be short and focused on reinforcement of skills and class lessons within the specifications of the IEP.
- Monitoring of assignments for students is necessary for all and critical for those with individualized education plans (IEP) and/or an English language deficiency.
- Homework should involve parents' encouragement, oversight, and monitoring of study management by their student. Homework assignments should keep required parental involvement in the academic content to a minimum.
- Homework should be evaluated soon after completion for feedback purposes.
Suggested Amounts
Keeping these considerations in mind, Morrison suggests the following maximum average1 student/grade-level amounts of focused homework outside of class with the recognition that a methodical student who needs more time may need to take a lighter load. Individual music lesson practice is not included in these academic totals. Teachers may provide optional extension opportunities for students who choose to work beyond these limits. These extension opportunities could be in the form of extension worksheets or links to relevant educational websites. These times do NOT include independent reading or read aloud. This is based on homework research studies (Cooper 2006).
Grade | Minutes / Grade / Night2 |
K | 10 |
1 | 20 |
2 | 30 |
3 | 40 |
4 | 50 |
5 | 60 |
Minutes / Subject / Night | |
6 | 15 |
7 | 15 |
8 | 20 |
9 & 10 | 30 |
11 & 12 | 45 (AP courses 70)3 |
1“Average” means that most of the class can complete the work within the daily time parameters. The listing of an amount does not indicate that homework must be given but rather recognizes that students work at differing rates and quality levels. Larger assignments and projects are sometimes assigned with the understanding that students are given several days to complete it.
2“Per night” means outside of the actual class time period even if/when homework is started during class.
3Only in formal AP courses are we to be equivalent to beginning college courses and demands. In our other courses, Morrison is preparing for college, not being a college.
Roles and Responsibilities
Principals are responsible to:
- Communicate homework roles and responsibilities.
- Monitor homework roles and responsibilities.
- Coordinate implementation as needed.
- Ensure that there is a uniform campus-wide communication of homework assignments that is convenient for parent use.
Teachers are responsible to:
- Communicate clearly to parents in a convenient school-wide format.
- Clearly indicate to students how the assignment is related to the topic under study.
- Indicate the purpose of the assignment.
- Define how the assignment might be best carried out.
- Stipulate what the student needs to do to demonstrate successful completion of the assignment; this involves communicating carefully at the beginning of the assignment the criteria which clarify the teacher's expectations.
- Evaluate and give prompt feedback.
- Should rarely be asked by the teacher to play a formal teaching role in homework.
- Should be asked to create a home environment that facilitates student self-study.
- May have direct involvement in listening, memorizing, etc. with the primary grade children.
- Should be monitoring completion of homework for students in Grades 1-8.
When teachers and parents work together to implement these recommendations, homework can be useful and generally free from a high level of frustration. These parameters can and should receive broad support from both parents and teachers. Morrison's teachers should make whatever adjustments are necessary to live within these general parameters and parents should support these efforts to make homework beneficial.
SAC 2/24
Reference: Procedure 105 Standards-Based Education
Procedure 260 Grading
201 Adding New High School Courses
The high school course offerings in the curriculum guide and online are established for each department during its curriculum review process in the regular cycle according to Procedure 110. Approval to add a new course to the curriculum guide or as an online option at other times requires input and approval by the Principal and the Director of Learning. The formal proposal should contain a title, course description, the level of student interest in the course, the major goals, their alignment with the school's foundational documents and the subject's curriculum philosophy and goals, needed equipment and materials (texts, technology, and other resources), staffing needs, financial implications, facility needs, schedule implications, and potential impact on enrollment in other courses. Alignment of course offerings across the system should be a consideration when approving courses.
AP course additions should be considered carefully according to the following criteria.
- An AP course addition should improve the learning environment and fit well within the course offerings of each campus and not take away from elective offerings.
- When considering adding an AP course, it is important to remember that this adds to the courses that highly selective universities might expect a student to take.
- Adding AP courses does not necessarily create a higher quality education.
- If a student desires to take additional AP courses, they also have an option to do so online.
- AP course addition request must follow all requirements as other high school courses.
Recommendations for new courses may be presented by administrators, staff, parents, or students.
SAC 2/20
Reference - 001 Core Values
202 Online Courses
- To provide a greater variety of learning opportunities for all Morrison high school students.
Online Providers
- In accordance with Morrison Christian Association Articles of Incorporation and the Vision Statement all courses provided by Morrison Academy must be biblically integrated. Sevenstar, Ethos, and Grand Canyon University are Morrison’s only online course providers.
- A Morrison School Counselor may credit other online courses (offered by providers other than Sevenstar) provided:
- the Online Coordinator serves as the single point of contact between the provider
- The parents reimburse Morrison for all the fees charged by that online provider.
Course Selection
- Sevenstar or Ethos online course may only be offered if the face-to-face course is not available for the interested student.
- Taking more than one online courses per semester must be approved by a Morrison High School Counselor.
- A Morrison High School Counselor will help students in selecting the appropriate online course(s).
- Online course will appear as Morrison approved courses on the high school transcript.
- For each MAK and MAT high school student, Morrison tuition covers all fees for one online course per semester offered by Sevenstar, Ethos or GCU (dual enrollment).
- For each MAC eleventh or twelfth grade student, Morrison tuition covers all fees for one GCU dual enrollment online course each year.
- Fees for taking any additional course and/or changing courses after course registration will be charged to the parents.
- Beginning and ending dates should follow the Morrison Academy school calendar.
- Updating student transcript with final course grade should follow campus schedule each semester.
Role and Responsibilities
Online Coordinator / Guidance Coordinator
- Acts as the single point of contact with the online provider for a campus.
- Promotes online option within school and prospective families.
- Stays informed of current research in online learning.
- Must participate in the appropriate professional learning session provided by the online provider.
- Completes any survey from the online provider requesting feedback prior to the deadline.
- Oversees the biblical integration for courses that are not biblically integrated.
- Provide orientation for students regarding online course procedures.
- Sends Morrison feedback survey after each semester of an online course.
- Advises high school students on best options for their situation.
- Coordinates the admissions/enrollment process for online courses.
- Must participate in the appropriate professional learning session provided by the online provider.
- Inform the business office of online service provider charges for students who take an additional course and/or changing courses after course registration.
Online Lab Monitor
- Focuses on the student success. (There is no need to become deeply involved with course content unless intensely desired.) Responds to signs of frustration or negligence. Directs students to their teacher for content questions.
- Maintains a physical presence in lab
- Confirms new students understanding of online provider’s orientation material
- Checks email for progress alerts sent from teacher
- Ensure technology readiness of lab
- Provide coaching and facilitation of an online learning experience.
Online Option due to Taiwan Visa Restrictions
Morrison-enrolled high school students who intend to graduate at Morrison but are unable to enter Taiwan due to resident visa restrictions, may receive approval to take a full course load of courses online through Sevenstar/GCU. Approval may be given one semester at a time but not to exceed two consecutive semesters. Morrison’s tuition and fees are charged as normal and the school will pay for all associated expenses with the online courses. The Building Fee will not be charged. The school also provides the normal online coordinator and registrar services as listed above.
A newly enrolled student who is unable to physically attend Morrison their first semester, may choose the option above or may defer their enrollment at Morrison. If they choose to defer their enrollment but still take online courses, they may do so but course registration and payment to Sevenstar/GCU will be their own responsibility. They will also not receive the services of Morrison’s online coordinator and registrar during the online period. Sevenstar/GCU credits earned may be accepted by Morrison’s registrar after courses are completed.
SAC 8/22
Reference - Articles of Incorporation, Ninth
Policy 5335 Crisis Contingency
205 Library Media
Morrison Academy recognizes that people are gifted by God with the ability to inquire, gain knowledge, and delight in the creativity of others. Morrison Academy library media program strives to equip students to enjoy information by teaching them how to use and evaluate information effectively. An expert library media specialist will support students by providing opportunities to become rational and critical thinkers, life-long learners, enthusiastic readers, skillful researchers, and ethical users of information. The library media specialist will ensure patrons feel welcome, valued, and safe during their visit. (Refer to Library Media Curriculum Guide)
Library Use
Due to limited resources and a desire to provide excellent services, only the following constituents are permitted to use the resources of a Morrison Academy library:
- Currently enrolled students and their parents
- Current Morrison employees or trustees and their immediate family members
- Approved home-schooling families (as defined in Procedure 290)
Morrison library materials may not be used for financial gain nor should infringe upon the copyright standards listed in Procedure 219.
Inter-Library Loans
Teachers and secondary students may request materials from other campuses via inter-library loan. Any Library Media Specialists may deny Inter Library Loan requests. If the material cannot be delivered by staff traveling within the system then it can be sent by mail and charged to the requesting library's account. Patrons should request materials 2 to 4 weeks in advance of the date needed. The requesting patron is responsible for loss or damage to the item.
Lost/Damaged Material Fine
A lost materials fine will be charged to a patron after four weeks if an item is not returned to the library. The librarian will determine the cost of replacing the lost item considering obtaining similar quality, shipping cost, and library processing into fine. Overdue fines are determined by the Library Media Specialist.
Responsibility for Selection of School Library Media Center Materials
The library media specialist has the responsibility for examining, evaluating, and selecting materials for the site's library media center facility. This person should be qualified for this activity by reason of education, training, and experience. Within each school, suggestions from students, staff, and parents are encouraged and seriously considered in the selection process.
The responsibilities of the school library media centers include providing materials to support, supplement, and enrich curriculum by providing a wide range of viewpoints which reflect not only our school communities' informational needs and interests, but also our school's philosophy, purpose, and vision statements.
Evaluation and Selection of Library Media Materials
In recognition of the need for varied and extensive materials, library media specialists will keep in mind the following criteria:
- 1. Reading is a valued freedom and is a necessity in today's world.
- 2. Meeting the needs of the individual school is to be based on knowledge of the curriculum and of the existing collection. Materials for purchase are considered on the basis of:
Overall purpose | Literary quality |
Timeliness or permanence | Format and price |
Readability and popular appeal | Authenticity and accuracy of materials |
Clarity of presentation and style | Significance of subject matter |
Reputation of publisher/producer author/composer etc. | Balance of materials that present different points of view |
- 3. Library materials should contribute to the students' growing understanding and appreciation of their cultures and other cultures so that they can live compassionately and reasonably with their fellow man.
- 4. Library books and other materials should not only enrich and support the curriculum but also help the students improve their powers of discernment and their quality of choice.
- 5. Not all of the materials in any library are for everyone. Even in a Christian community there is a diversity of opinions as to what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. It is ultimately the parents' responsibility to monitor their child's reading material and to guide them in their choices according to their own family values. This also applies to classroom library collections.
- 6. Selection is an ongoing process which shall include the removal of materials no longer appropriate for the collection and the replacement of lost and worn materials still of educational value. Items in the Morrison Library Collection will be reviewed periodically by the librarian using criteria in the library policy handbook to determine whether items should remain part of the library collection.
- a. Professional personnel will evaluate available resources and curriculum needs and will consult reputable, professionally prepared aids to selection and other appropriate professional sources.
When considering the selection of controversial materials, library media specialists may consult with the Director of Learning.
Challenged Materials
The following process is established for consideration of issues of selection of library books and other materials placed in question by an individual, group or organization.
- Parents, staff, and students with a concern about the selection of library materials are encouraged to follow established channels of communication. The person responsible for providing the material, usually the teacher or librarian, should be contacted first.
- The teacher or librarian will, if possible, resolve the issues. In view of the diverse nature of the Morrison Academy community, the librarian shall consider options of restricted use (e.g. age/division restriction or individual student restriction at parents' request) for the materials in question. If the teacher and library are not able to resolve the issue, appeals go first to the Principal and then to the Superintendent or their designee. The final decision regarding challenged material rests with the Board of Trustees.
SAC 11/23
210 School-Authorized Events/Programs
In order to be school-authorized, the activity must meet the quality and sponsorship criterion of Morrison Academy. School-authorized events or programs provide for the athletic, social, cultural, spiritual, and recreational activities for Morrison students and for MK homeschoolers. The Principal may authorize other people to participate, but the primary purpose of the activity or program should be to provide learning opportunities for Morrison students. These programs and events must be impartially available to all Morrison students, their parents and Morrison employees. Any event or program occurring on campus must be approved by the Principal.
In order for an event or program to be considered “school authorized,” the Principal’s written approval is required in advance. School authorized events/programs include, but are not limited to, off-campus education, co-curricular or curricular activity, work-study, study at universities, internships, service learning, missions trips, youth group, arts festivals, athletics tournaments, co-curricular clubs, Scholars Cup, and private lessons from Outside Service Providers (in accordance with Procedure 523).
School authorized programs may also include remedial or enrichment tutoring of Morrison Academy students and will be exempt from the facility fee if all the following conditions are met.
- The Principal gives written permission in advance.
- The tutor does not teach the student or their sibling during the regular school program (in accordance with Conflict of Interests Procedure 320).
- The tutor does not charge more than NT$800 per hour.
- Tutoring does not interfere with the employee’s contracted duties.
- The room is not needed for curricular or co-curricular programs at that time.
- Non-school authorized remedial tutoring will be subject to the normal facility rental fee.
In accordance with Policy 5610, “Any school-sponsored student activity that includes a Sunday or falls on a Sunday must follow these Biblical principles: fellowshipping with God and other Christians, preserving adequate time for rest and renewal.” The Superintendent may grant exceptions to this policy. To apply for an exception students and sponsor submit a proposal that incorporates these Biblical principles for the Superintendent to consider. The Superintendent will also consider how the activity could affect academic progress and how many times per year the students could be engaged in school-sponsored activities on Sundays. Students who choose to not attend school-sponsored student activities on Sunday may not be penalized or pressured in any way.
Credit may be given for special off-campus educational programs which have been approved by the Principal.
Curricular activities are considered a regular school function and students are expected to attend.
Normally, no fee (for facility use, materials needed, extra personnel time, etc.) is charged for school-authorized events/programs. However, the Principal may attach financial conditions to help cover the school’s costs and/or conduct approved fundraising.
No organization, individual, or business is allowed to solicit contributions or services from or to sell goods or services to students without the permission of the administration.
SAC 1/17
Reference - Policy 5610 Student Activities
Procedure 320 Conflict of Interest
Procedure 442 Use of School Facilities
Procedure 470 School Sponsored Trips
Procedure 523 Independent Service Providers
215 Standards for Productions, Publications and Instructional Material
As a Christian institution, our standards should be such that both those from within and those from without the school should not be offended by what is presented for either public or private consumption. Thus, the keynote of any production, publication, or anything else of that nature must be “wholesomeness”. Therefore, we should seek to provide productions and publications which do not violate Biblical principles and which are sensitive to the Taiwan government and to Chinese culture.
Internet/Social Media
When posting school-developed web pages on the Internet, only the first name of students in kindergarten through eighth grades may be used. First and last names may be used for students in ninth through twelfth grade.
No student telephone number or address is to be published on any school-developed web page or any of the school’s social media accounts.
Links to a student's email account shall not be provided on any school-developed web page. A high school student may choose to include such information and links at their discretion on their own personal web page. A high school student may link their personal web page with another student's, but is not to disclose another student's email address, telephone number, or street address.
No information is to be posted on the Internet, school web pages or social media accounts, which might jeopardize the safety and/or security of students or school property/equipment, i.e. school floor plans, security camera locations, security procedures (other than public policies/procedures), etc. Tagging of students on social media is also prohibited, since doing so would jeopardize the safety of the student.
All school-sanctioned web pages (i.e. web pages created by students or teachers for school-related functions / use) are to have a staff member who acts as the sponsor and reviewer for the page. In the case of class projects, the teacher will serve as sponsor. The sponsor will be responsible to screen web page content prior to posting to insure that the above mentioned standards are maintained. The “title page” should be provided with the following statement, “Approved by <sponsor's name>.” An email link to the sponsor's email account may also be provided.
Posts to official Morrison Academy web pages and social media accounts may only be made by designated people authorized by the Director of Communications, a campus PR representative, or Principal.
Advertisement banners and other advertisements are only to be used with the explicit prior approval of the principal.
World-Wide Web as an Extension of the Curriculum (Class Projects)
When a controversial topic is posted, it is recommended that the teacher assign students to present opposing views of the issue. In such cases, the teacher should provide a disclaimer on the web page indicating that these are not necessarily the views of Morrison Academy, but rather an exercise in helping students to develop their reasoning skills. A reader response form may also be provided to allow readers to offer a rebuttal to a student's writing. Links should not be provided for responding directly to students. If links are provided, they should be linked to the web page sponsor.
Student Email, Student Homepages, Class Homepages
Student email, a student's personal web pages, and class homepages are student-generated media. They will be monitored periodically to ensure that content is appropriate. The use of these services is a privilege and is subject to the conditions of the Internet and Technology Use Agreement as indicated in Policy 217 below. Any student who violates the agreement will have his/her use restricted accordingly.
Plays, Programs, Yearbook, Newspaper, Online Videos or other Internet Media
Administrators are to establish procedures for the prior screening of any public presentation and school publication in order to ensure that the above-mentioned standards are maintained.
In the use of plays and similar activities, the basic philosophy of the writer should be taken into consideration. His or her work does not necessarily have to be Christian, but it should not leave a primary message/conclusion that is directly in opposition to Christian principles.
Employees shall maintain high standards of confidentiality regarding personal information and records about students and employees.
Parents are asked annually during the registration/re-registration process “for permission for Morrison Academy to use my child's work, photo, video or audio recording, for such purposes as, school web pages and social media posts, and promotional materials. I understand that the full name of any elementary or middle school children will not be used in conjunction with their photo or work. I also understand that the full name of any high school student may be used in conjunction with their photo or work (i.e. sports rosters, awards, etc.)”
SAC 8/20
Reference – Policy 2021 Due Process and Confidentiality
Procedure 409 Online Presence
217 Information Technology
Morrison Academy is committed to equipping its students to influence an increasingly complex and information-rich world for Christ. Morrison recognizes that technology is an integral tool in obtaining this objective and desires to provide students with an age-appropriate, relevant, authentic, and engaging educational experience.
Faculty, staff, students, and visitors who use Morrison Academy's computer systems, either in class or independently, are expected to conform to the following procedure. Users are also expected to follow all procedures set forth by the individual campus regarding the use of information technology. If there is any doubt concerning the legitimacy or authorization of any action, they are expected to check with the principal in advance.
General Organization
Morrison schools provide technology which allows staff and students to access the Internet. The day to day running of the computer systems is the responsibility of the educational technology coordinator on each campus.
Morrison-branded email accounts are provided to faculty, staff, and all students free of charge. The user of the account will have a private password. Personal email accounts are not required for those who wish to use the Internet for purposes other than email.
All digital communications and documents created under a Morrison-branded personal account are the property of Morrison Academy.
Internet access and email accounts are a privilege extended to Morrison's faculty, staff, and students. The highest standards of ethical, respectable, and courteous behavior and dependable behavior are expected of everyone.
Internet usage may be electronically monitored for all users. Access to the Internet will be restricted for those students who are not given parental permission and who have not abided by the conditions of the Internet Use Agreement.
General Purpose
The computers and software used within Morrison Academy are intended primarily for educational purposes to support curricular needs. The essential areas of focus will be on the following:
- Creativity/innovation
- Communication/collaboration
- Research information fluency
- Critical thinking/problem-solving/decision making
- Digital citizenship
- Technology operations and concepts.
A secondary purpose is personal communication. Using the system for personal communication is permitted as long as it does not delay or obstruct educational use and does not incur any cost to Morrison. Personal Internet and email use during school hours should be used only in moderation as outlined in the Technology and Internet Use Agreement.
Whether for educational or personal reasons, offensive, obscene, or harassing messages are strictly prohibited.
In the case of faculty and staff, the direct supervisor will have the right to determine what is or is not acceptable at any given time according to their personal judgment based on commonly held standards of Christian behavior. In the case of students, the classroom teacher, technology coordinator, and/or the boarding parent will have that right. Questions on this are referred to the principal or boarding supervisor.
Morrison-branded personal accounts on the system are generally considered private and confidential. A user should not open, read, modify, monitor, or remove files/mail/or network traffic owned by any other user. Since the computers and all digital communications and documents are the property of the school system, Morrison Academy reserves the right to open any file, directory, email account, and the like when probable cause of misconduct is found, for security reasons, or for spot checking.
Email account access should not be shared with anyone. Passwords should remain secret. Internet material or information that is received considered inappropriate is to be dealt with in one of two ways:
- Inappropriate material received from within the Morrison system should be forwarded to the principal and educational technology coordinator within 24 hours of discovery so that suitable action can be taken.
- Inappropriate material received from outside the Morrison system should not be responded to and must be deleted. Continued problems are to be reported to the principal and the educational technology coordinator.
Courteous and Ethical Behavior
Users are expected to be courteous at all times with those they are communicating with on the Internet.
Users should never intentionally attempt to disrupt network performance or interfere with the work of any other user or site(s).
Users are expected to be considerate of computer time and careful in the use of supplemental resources such as paper and network resources.
Users are restricted from changing system set-ups, with the exception of machines that are issued to an individual staff member. In the latter case, such things as screen savers, mouse speed, etc. may be adjusted by the user.
Students may not load Non-Morrison software on any Morrison computer without explicit prior permission from the technology coordinator. No programs may be saved in a personal directory besides those that are required for curriculum purposes.
Morrison Academy software may not be deleted from a computer without explicit prior permission from the technology coordinator.
The Morrison Academy reserves the right to remove personal files from school computers with at least one week's notice.
Legal Responsibilities
Users are expected to abide by all of the regulations and laws pertaining to software and Internet use whether they are of the R.O.C. or the U.S.A. Morrison Academy respects the intellectual property rights of any legal entity. Refer to Morrison’s Director of Information Technology Services.
Appropriate Materials
Any information, service or site on the Internet should be selected with reference to its appropriateness within the context of a particular curriculum, the suitability of the content for the intended user, and its service to good taste, common sense, and Christian values.
The Internet is public. Therefore certain files can be accessed that violate the moral values, educational standards, and Biblical beliefs of Morrison Academy. These include any form of pornography, racism, descriptions of violence, foul language, the occult, and other inappropriate material. Access to such files is prohibited. There may be occasions when curriculum or resources contain foul language, violence, and racism to deal with literature and history adequately. These uses must have explicit prior permission given to the principal which includes these things: clear connection to written curriculum (benchmark specific), teaching strategies used (prior to, during, and follow-up), biblical perspective counter, and final draft of a letter to parents getting permission for their child to interact with it.
See Procedure 215 Standards for Productions, Publications and Instructional Material for related information.
Information Technology Abuse
Morrison Academy may restrict or terminate any user's access to either school or personal devices if such action is deemed necessary to maintain computing availability and security for other users of the systems or because of inappropriate content. Other disciplinary actions may also be imposed by the Educational Technology Coach and/or school administration on an individual basis up to and including discontinuation of enrollment or dismissal. The severity of the disciplinary action will be based on the circumstances of the infraction and any prior abuse.
Technology abuse includes, but is not limited to:
- Using Morrison's computer systems or those accessible by network, without proper authorization. This includes supplying misleading information or false credentials to anyone within or outside Morrison's system.
- Vandalism, tampering with or obstructing the operation of any computer or computer system accessible through Morrison's network connections. No computer box should be opened without explicit prior permission from the technology coordinator.
- Attempting to log-on as an educational technology coordinator or network manager/supervisor, breaking into restricted or private files, introducing a virus into the system, hacking into a system, spamming, and ping flooding.
- Inspecting, modifying, distributing, or copying data or software without proper authorization or attempting to do so.
- Violating established moral and ethical standards regarding pornography, other additions, cyber-bullying, predators/pedophiles, etc. regarding technology usage while on school premises or using school hardware and/or software to do so.
- Viewing, linking, retrieving, and/ or downloading any form of pornography while on school premises and/or using school hardware and/or software.
- Cyber-bullying of any kind while enrolled at Morrison on or off school premises.
School Equipment
The System technology budget will provide for the purchase and replacement of the following standard equipment within budgetary constraints.
- Large screen display device (LCD projector or monitor, for example) in every classroom, including non-core
- Computer for every teacher and office employee
- Audio system to be used as a teaching tool in every instructional room. Wireless and high-speed internet access coverage for all indoor instructional spaces
- Campus budgets will provide for the maintenance of this standard equipment. Other equipment can be funded from the campus budgets or campus fundraising projects.
- Each campus may have at least one small (16 computers or less), high-end computer lab for yearbook, video production, etc.
- Each student in grades K-8 will be provided with a device for use on campus. Campus budgets will provide for the maintenance of this standard equipment. Other equipment can be funded from the campus budgets or campus fundraising projects.
- Supplemental student devices may be purchased from the annual fund or within budgetary constraints.
Personal Devices
In addition to the School Provided Equipment the following supplemental student devices are recommended. The purpose of these personal devices is for use in the classroom and for other educational purposes around campus.
- High school students will be allowed to bring their own device (BYOD) to school. They will be given network access from their campus ITs. Network access does not promise access to server files or printing but will allow access to the internet. Middle school students may be provided with school-owned devices for a student to use on campus only. The Principal may allow students to bring their own device in accordance with the high school BYOD recommendations.
- Elementary classroom may have access to a portable set of devices.
Accountability for School and Personal Devices
Administrators and faculty have the right to monitor computer activity in any and all areas of the school and may access student personal devices and/or files if there is a reasonable suspicion of misuse.
Use of school and personal devices in the classroom is determined by each teacher. Students are responsible for storing their devices in a secure location when it is not in use or is not warranted or allowed in class. If, as a result of student misconduct, the school is required to repair or replace school-owned equipment, then this expense can be passed on to the student’s parent or guardian at the discretion of the principal.
Students will need to sign the Internet and Technology Use Agreement. Failure to comply with rules could result in temporary withholding of the device or a sustained banishment of a personal device from school.
Morrison Academy may restrict or terminate any user's network access to either school or personal devices if such action is deemed necessary to maintain computing availability and security for other users of the systems or because of inappropriate content.
Other disciplinary actions may also be imposed by school administration on an individual basis up to and including probation or discontinuation of enrollment. The severity of the disciplinary action will be based upon the circumstances of the infraction and any prior abuse.
SAC 8/19
Reference: Procedure #255 Discipline
219 Copyright Standards
Employees and students shall abide by the United States Copyright Act of 1976. Section 107 of the Act provides that the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.
Ownership of Digital / Physical Media
Morrison Academy is designated as the copyright owner and author of any media (photos, videos, audio, material objects, etc.) created at the request of the Superintendent, a Principal, the Director of Communications, a teacher, or other staff, whether or not the staff member, student, or volunteer is using their own equipment or equipment provided to them by Morrison. The staff member, student, or volunteer may use media they created or that features prominently themselves for private (i.e. non-public AND non-profit contexts) or professional use (i.e. a portfolio or resume) as long as use adheres to Procedures 215, 219, and 409. Morrison also reserves the right to request removal of its media in the event of misuse or abuse.
Use of any Morrison media in for-profit endeavors must receive expressed written permission from Morrison Academy via a Principal or the Director of Communications.
Any claims to transfer of ownership of any Morrison media must also be put in writing from a Principal or the Director of Communication. (Reference: Section 201(b) of US Copyright Law)
Broadcasting, synchronization (live streaming), recording (storing), and public performance rights for any piece of music must be secured by a staff member before it can be live streamed, recorded, and stored by Morrison.
- Music may only be photocopied to replace purchased copies, which are not available for an imminent performance. Photocopies must include notice of copyright.
- For academic purposes other than performance, single or multiple copies of excerpts may be made (in no case more than 10% of the whole work). The number of copies shall not exceed one copy per pupil.
- In the case of out-of-print works or making copies from collections a letter must be written to the publisher to gain permission to copy music.
- Complete choral or speaking parts for musicals or performances may not be copied.
- The character of a work of music will not be significantly altered by arranging, adapting, editing, or translating text without gaining permission from the publisher.
(Reference Jay Althouse's book, Copyright: The Complete Guide for Music Educators, published 1997 by Alfred Publishing Company).
Photocopying material for classroom and instructional use
- Single copies of a chapter from a book, an article from a magazine or newspaper, a short story or poem, and charts/pictures/cartoons/drawings may be made by a teacher for research or use in teaching and may be retained in his/her file.
- Multiple copies (one per student) may be made by the teacher for classroom use or discussion, as long as it meets the tests of brevity, spontaneity, cumulative effect test (see COPYRIGHT: The Complete Guide for Music Educators, by Jay Althouse, pages 54-56) and includes a notice of copyright.
- No copies will be made in order to replace or substitute for the purchase of anthologies, collective works, books or periodicals.
- Copies will not be made of consumable pages, such as workbooks and exercises.
- Royalties for dramatic works, such as a play, musical play, opera or operetta, will be paid to the publisher.
- Credits will be printed in the programs according to the contract with the publisher.
Audio Video Recordings
- A single copy of a sound recording of copyright music may be made by a teacher for the purpose of constructing aural exercises or examinations and may be retained by the institution or teacher.
- A single copy of a performance by students may be made for evaluation and rehearsal purposes and may be retained by the institution or teacher.
- Copies will not be made of concert recordings for the purpose of selling them (even if it is not-for-profit) without obtaining permission from each publisher and paying any royalties due.
- Videotaping of copyrighted performances will be discouraged in the printed program.
- Videotaping performances for which a royalty is paid will not be permitted when the publisher expressly forbids it.
- The use of any portion of a copyrighted video recording or movie (hard copy, digital copy, or streamed) for a class or school-sponsored event must meet ALL the following criteria which are based on the “Fair Use” section (107) of the United States Copyright Act:
- The video or movie is legally obtained.
- The video or movie is presented by an employee or pupil.
- The video or movie is used in the course of face-to-face school-sponsored activities that apply directly to the curriculum currently being taught.
- The video or movie is shown in the classroom or similar place of instruction in a not-for-profit institution.
- The school receives no commercial value from the presentation of the video or movie.
- Staff and students must obtain permission from their Principal to show a whole copyrighted movie intended for entertainment purposes only, whether inside or outside a classroom, or in cases when the intent falls outside of “Fair Use” as defined above.
- Displaying of a video in a class or at a school-sponsored event may not be advertised outside campus or communicated in any form to the general public.
- A single copy of a video of a performance, rehearsal, or lesson may be made and saved on file for reference or review.
- Video copies of performances for distribution (either with or without charge) will not be presented without prior permission of the copyright owners of each of the musical works contained on the videotape.
Computers, Software and the Internet
- Software will not be loaded on school computers without first gaining permission from the Technology Coordinator, and then to only use original programs licensed to us.
- Copyright standards for scanning are the same as photocopying.
- Copyright standards for music software programs, such as Finale, Encore, and Sibelius, are the same as photocopying.
- Media or links to external content created by Morrison students or staff and posted on any official Morrison web site or Morrison-related social media sites such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, etc. may not include copyrighted music or images. Copyright law is still applicable online. Simply identifying and attributing to whom the copyright belongs does not constitute permission for legal use.
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223 Student Government
The official representatives of middle school and high school students are their respective Student Councils. These Student Councils, through their constitution and by-laws, act as representatives to the school administration.
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225 Closed Campus
In the interest of maintaining student safety, Morrison Academy students are required to remain on the school campus throughout the school day. Exceptions may be granted by the Principal.
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230 Student Information Management System
Normally, the Administrative Assistants on each campus are responsible to maintain the Student Information Management System (SIMS) and complete the tasks below. The Principal may assign these tasks to other staff.
All Year
- New students should be entered into SIMS (registered and enrolled) in advance of their arrival. The student's enrollment date should be set to the actual date the student will start attending school.
- Withdrawal codes should be entered in advance for students who will be leaving Morrison or transferring to another Morrison school.
- Verify teachers enter attendance and print attendance reports. Adjust school calendar for changes such as a typhoon.
- Make adjustments to class and student scheduling as needed for K-8.
- Update the demographic pages.
- Oversee the verification of report card information and print report cards.
4th Quarter Planning Calendar (in consultation with school counselors as needed)
- Setup SIMS for the next school year with correct quarter start and end dates, calendar days, bell schedules, meeting patterns, etc.
- Create master schedule and assign teachers and students to classes (K-8 does not schedule PE, ELL, exploratory or Mandarin classes until after school starts).
- Assign K-5 students to homerooms.
Two Weeks before school starts
- Continue enrolling new students and register them for classes.
- Confirm calendar, master schedule, class setup, teachers, and student schedules.
After School Starts
- Make adjustments to student schedules as needed.
- Schedule PE, ELL, exploratory and Mandarin classes (K-8)
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240 Student Admissions
Principals will oversee site admission procedures and time tables which comply with Policies and meet the unique needs of their individual school. Students admission is for the full-time Morrison program. Parents desiring part-time education should consider homeschool services. Any part time situation needs prior principal approval.
The Director of Communications will oversee systems for collecting demographic data into the student information management system, changes to the Admissions Handbook, and revisions to admissions forms for new and returning students.
The following Board policy requirements need to be incorporated into site admittance decisions.
- Grade level enrollment limits, including ELL & LN ratios (Policy 5205): The Principal may ask the Superintendent to make exceptions to these limits for missionaries or siblings. Superintendent exceptions for staff kids are automatic. All exceptions must be reported to the Superintendent because Board policy mandates that all exceptions be reported to the Board.
- In order to receive MK priority enrollment (according to Policy 5210), an application for missionary status must first be approved by the Director of Finance.
- Age requirements for kindergarten and first grade (Policy 5220)
- LN students who are not children of missionaries will be in-eligible for admission to the school, though exceptions may be made by the Superintendent (Policy 5240)
- Students who have significant ELL needs at the 6-12 grade levels will be ineligible for admittance. Exceptions may be made by the Superintendent for the children of missionaries. (Policy 5250 & Procedure 287)
- Students who are married, pregnant, or who have children (Policy 5270)
- Students who have previously graduated from high school
- Living arrangement considerations (Policy 5290)
- Students transferring within the system will have a higher admission priority than new non-missionary applicants (Policy 5210).
- Students or siblings of students who were formerly enrolled in the Morrison school system and wish to return may be given preferential consideration. (Policy 5210)
- A copy of the picture page of the applicant’s current passport other than ROC and People's Republic of China is retained in the student’s file. (Students who are residents of Hong Kong / Macau may be admitted if their parents have residency status in Hong Kong /Macau and have a legal working status in Taiwan. (Policy 5205)
Furthermore, site admission procedures will incorporate the following principles:
- A minimum of two staff are to be involved in any applicant's evaluation and recommendation regarding enrollment, i.e. interviewer, tester, classroom teacher, ELL teacher, school counselor, and/or administrator.
- The principal’s admissions decisions are final and may not be appealed.
- Applicants transferring from a non-English speaking school or a student who has been home-schooled will be tested before admittance and placement.
- Morrison does not knowingly admit non-missionary LN students. Exceptions may be made by the Superintendent. If during the admissions process the registrar/principal determines that a student may have learning needs, then the registrar/principal may require the student to be screened for learning needs. This expense will be paid by the parent. (Procedure 283)
- If a student seeking admittance has siblings seeking admittance at other levels of the school, the likelihood of the siblings being admitted should be determined and reported to the parent early in the process. This is especially important on campuses where there are multiple principals.
- After the first quarter, the classroom teacher and/or the school counselor/scheduler should be consulted regarding the entrance of any new students. When a new student is accepted after the beginning of school, the classroom teacher/scheduler should be consulted regarding the actual day the student should begin school.
- Parents that are applying for the Missionary Discount or Christian Worker Discount (with the exception of members of Morrison recognized missions) should submit that application by May 1 in order to be considered for the fall semester or November 1 in order to be considered for the spring semester. Missionary and Christian Worker Discount Application forms should only be given to those who may qualify for the missionary and Christian worker discounts. The Director of Finance determines eligibility for these discounts. Late applications may be reviewed at the discretion of the Director of Finance.
- Admission is conditional upon signing of the registration form and full payment of tuition (or approval of a Deferred Payment Plan).
- Within three working days of the receipt of each Preliminary Application the campus should send a personalized response.
- If the home language of the applicant is neither a Chinese nor a Romanic language then admission will be conditional for the first year. The Principal may require a professional assessment in the child’s home language as a condition of continued enrollment. In order to avoid language confusion and develop a solid foundation in academic English, these applicants must agree to not engage in any Mandarin language study until they have successfully exited Morrison’s ELL program.
- When a student's previous academic progress is questionable, or a student is transferring from another system of education and placement level may be unclear, the following criteria are considered in deciding grade placement: school records; chronological age; evidence of maturity and; standardized placement and/or achievement test scores.
- Parents are asked annually during the registration/re-registration process “for permission for Morrison Academy to use my child's work, photo, video or audio recording…” in accordance with Procedure 215 Standards for Productions, Publications and Instructional Material.
Normally applicants take a grade-appropriate preliminary screening test. Applicants who pass the preliminary screening test might be required to take the additional admissions assessments. Instruments vary according to entry grade level and English language proficiency. If the applicants’ overall scores indicate that their language abilities are more than two years below their grade level, then the applicant will have a chance to take it again 6 months later. Each applicant has only three chances to take admissions tests.
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Reference - Procedure 215 Standards for Productions, Publications and Instructional Material
Procedure 290 Homeschool Services
Procedure 409 Social Media
241 Student Transfers
Campus Transfer Policy 5235 is intended to support Morrison families when they move. Transfer requests should be made during re-registration in March for the fall semester or before November 1st for the spring semester. Transfer requests will only be considered after the student has completed one academic year at a Morrison campus and must be in compliance with Enrollment Limitations Policy 5205. Missionary families are exempt from the one academic year attendance requirement. Exceptions may be granted by the Superintendent.
Students who have completed eighth grade or higher at the Morrison Taipei Campus, Kaohsiung Campus, or Chiayi Satellite will be allowed to transfer to the Taichung Campus to continue their education, provided they meet the criteria for student living arrangements, continuing enrollment and principal recommendations.
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Reference - Policy 5235 Transfer
5290 Students' Living Arrangement
5351 Continuing Enrollment
5205 Enrollment Limitations
242 Academic Probation
Academic probation, together with the intervention process, may be used to support students and parents in identifying and addressing issues hindering academic success. Students with significant academic concerns may be placed on academic probation subsequent to communication with the parents. Parents will be notified in writing when the student is placed on academic probation. The goal of academic probation is to communicate significant academic concerns to parents and students as well as to implement layers of support that will help the student to be successful.
Elementary and Middle School students who earn Developing Mastery (DM) or Remediation (R) on one-third of their standard scores in a core subject on a report card may be placed on academic probation. In Elementary and Middle School, a parent meeting will be scheduled with the Principal to discuss the parameters and timeline for the Academic Probation.
High School students who earn an F, more than one D, or a current GPA below 2.0 on a report card or at progress report time may be placed on academic probation. In High School, a parent and student meeting will be scheduled with the Principal to discuss the Academic Probation Agreement.
A student on academic probation may be deemed ineligible for extra-curricular activities and will be required to receive academic support as needed. A student will be removed from academic probation at the end of the quarter if his or her grades are no longer deficient, according to the definitions above. Any student on three consecutive quarters of probation may be recommended for discontinuation of enrollment to the superintendent (see also Discontinuation of Enrollment). Students continuing on academic probation may be considered for retention or denied readmission for the following school year. (Procedure 280 - Retention, Procedure 255 - Discipline, Policy 5351 - Continuing Enrollment).
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243 Class/Course Size
Class/course sizes shall be maintained within the following limits:
Grade Level | Maximum Class Size | Minimum Section Size | ELL Students |
Kindergarten | 18 | 8 | 50% |
First Grade | 20 | 9 | 40% |
Second Grade | 22 | 9 | 40% |
Third Grade | 23 | 10 | 30% |
Fourth - Fifth Grade | 24 | 10 | 30% |
Sixth - Eighth Grade | 25 | 10 | 20% |
Kaohsiung / Taipei 9th – 12th Grades | 25 | 5 | |
Taichung 9th - 12th Grades | 45 | 5 |
Elementary/middle school “maximum class size” limits may be exceeded for the children of missionaries but are brought back in line as soon as possible by normal attrition. For every elementary student over these numbers - K(20), 1st(22), 2nd(23), 3rd-5th(24), the teacher will have an instructional assistant assigned to them for one hour per day. For each middle school student over the maximum size, the principal may assign an instructional assistant one hour per day to the middle school.
Enrollment for ninth through twelve grades shall include:
- students who have completed 8th grade on that campus
- students transferring from another Morrison Academy campus in accordance with Procedure 241.
- new students that are likely to comply with Morrison Academy’s standards of conduct defined in Policy 5400 and families that reflect Morrison’s core values
Admitting too many new students could adversely undermine the school's Core Values and affect the school culture. When making admissions decisions, school culture considerations must take precedence over financial and programmatic considerations. The school culture of each campus will be routinely assessed by the School-Wide Appraisal process defined in Procedure 010.
Normally, a second section of a given high school course will be scheduled only when the historical course enrollment projects a class size that exceeds 16 for AP courses and 25 for other classes.
When registration for a high school class falls below 5 students, then one of the following courses of action applies.
- Foundations of Algebra, Foundations of Geometry and Applied Mathematics class size may drop below the minimum of five students.
- When planning future course offerings, two weeks before the end of each semester, if less than five students are registered for a high school course and there is no evidence that more students will join the course when the semester starts, then that course will be dropped. This will enable the students, teachers and counselors to adjust schedules before the semester begins. After this course drop date, if a class drops below the 5 student minimum, then the High School Counselor will report this to the Principal and Superintendent, so the Superintendent can inform the Board in accordance with the Policy 5205 Enrollment Limitations.
- After the course drop date, 2 weeks prior to the end of a semester, if a course's enrollment drops below 5 students, then the course will remain regardless of enrollment fluctuations. If a course enrollment drops to zero, then the course would cease to be offered.
ELL classes shall be limited to a maximum of 8 students. Additional ELL limits are established in Policy 5250.
Class/course size limitation exceptions may be granted by the Superintendent when facilities are inadequate to house a maximum sized class, when safety is a consideration, when other extenuating circumstances exist, and/or when special provisions have been made.
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Reference - Policy 5205, 4255, 4285, 5240, & 5400
Procedure 010 School-Wide Appraisal Process, 241, 246, 517
244 Climbing Wall
Maintaining safety for the use of any Morrison climbing wall will be the responsibility of the High School Athletic Director. AD’s, or a designated certified trainer, will be responsible to maintain a listing of all persons certified as Toprope Belayers and above. It is the responsibility of the Trainer to inform the AD of each of these certifications in writing when they happen. In the case of certifying Wall Supervisors and above, the AD must respond to acknowledge their agreement with the certification prior to the person being allowed to perform their duty. Any questions about the suitability of any person for any certification level should be resolved between the AD and certified trainer.
- Climbing is permitted only when the climbing wall certified person (approved by the High School AD) is working and physically present.
- Clothing must be safe and modest.
- Children must have at least completed grade 8 to become belay certified and belay others on the wall.
- All climbers and belayers must use proper equipment according to the Climbing Handbook.
- Any accidents must be reported to the High School AD ASAP.
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Reference - Climbing Handbook
245 Athletics
Athletics is co-curricular and an integral part of the balanced educational approach of Morrison Academy that helps educate the whole child. The ultimate purpose is to glorify God, so student-athletes are expected to maintain Christian values during practice and competition while competing at a high level. Athletics are to contribute to the development of biblical character traits such as good sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork, discipline, and self-control. Morrison believes that student-athletes should enjoy their involvement in athletics while growing physically, emotionally, socially and spiritually. Athletics should also foster positive school spirit within the school community. Participation is the focus for athletics at the middle school level and competition becomes the stronger theme for high school athletics. Morrison supports elementary sports opportunities staffed by volunteers in accordance with School-Authorized Events Procedure 210. Alternatively, organizers may receive principal approval to use an independent service provider model along with the relevant facility use fees and compensation opportunity in accordance with Procedure 425.
Morrison Academy provides student accident insurance for each registered student in accordance with Procedure 362.
On the Morrison Academy registration form each parent must grant “permission to participate in field trips, practices, travel, and inter-scholastic events in Taiwan.” The Athletic Director on each campus is responsible to make sure parents are informed at least two days prior to K-8 off-campus athletics events. Each off-island and overnight trip requires an additional parent/guardian signed permission form for each student in accordance with Procedure 470.
The rules of the game, as well as those of the host institution, are to be observed. Athletes ejected from a game by a referee may be subject to further disciplinary action by the principal.
Visiting teams are guests of Morrison Academy and are to be treated with respect and courtesy at all times.
Any coach that is not employed by Morrison must complete the Volunteer form before the first practice. Athletic Director on each campus should inform all coaches of this procedure and any campus athletic handbook.
Levels of high school athletics is determined by the enrollment, availability of coaches, availability of space, and fundraising plan. Superintendent permission is required before joining an athletic conference or traveling outside of Taiwan.
Eligibility Middle School
Morrison Academy believes that middle school student participation in sports is desirable. Every athlete on the team should receive playing time in every game (although not necessarily equal playing time). Middle school students playing time should try to follow these guidelines: 6th grade (everyone plays equally); 7th & 8th grades (all students play but not necessarily equal time)
Academics and Behavior: Restriction from sports activities is not an encouraged form of discipline, however, in cases of behavioral or academic difficulty, the principal, with parental notification, may restrict participation.
Age: Student must be 14 years of age or younger on August 1 of current school year to participate.
- Grade 8 and 14 years of age or younger by August 1 of current school year
- Grade 7 and 13 years of age or younger by August 1 of current school year
- Grade 6 and 12 years of age or younger by August 1 of current school year
- Exceptions may be made with principal and AD approval as aligned with TISSA Rules Handbook. Elementary students could be allowed to play up to middle school.
Eligibility High School
Morrison Academy believes that involvement in high school athletics is a valuable experience for those interested. The formation of specific sports teams will accommodate students of varying skill levels and will meet competitive program standards while attempting to create a positive athletic experience.
To be eligible to try out and participate in Morrison’s high school sports programs:
Academics: A student must carry a current 2.0 grade point average and not be failing any subject at progress reports or report card time. Exceptions may be made by Principal.
Behavior: Students must follow Morrison’s code of conduct. In cases of behavioral difficulty, the principal, with parental notification, may restrict participation.
Age-Grade Rules: These age rules apply on the day of competition.
- Varsity teams are open to 9-12 grades. A student that turns 19 during the school year or younger is eligible.
- JV teams are open to 9-11 grades. A student 18 years old or younger is eligible. The Principal may authorize exceptions in order for a team to have enough players.
- When participating in an external tournament, their rules apply. Morrison Academy High School is a member of the Taiwan International School Sports Association (TISSA) and the Asian Christian Schools Conference (ACSC) and is subject to their rules during competition with its members.
- In the case of an insufficient number of athletes to field a team, then exceptions may be granted by the Principal to include younger players on either Junior Varsity or Varsity teams.
- In the case of exceptional athletes meeting skill, size, maturity, social, and emotional readiness, a MS student may be invited to play on a HS Junior Varsity or Varsity team. In these situations, younger players may play up with principal and athletic director approval to add up to a full roster as determined by league or conference guidelines. A middle school exceptional athlete may only be selected if additional players on the HS team are needed without the exclusion of HS athletes who are adequately equipped to contribute to the team.
- According to Procedure 470, off-island travel for school-sponsored, co-curricular activities will be limited to high schoolers.
All of the following eligibility criteria must be met:
- An athlete meets ALL of the following criteria to compete.
- Technical Skill
- Physical Maturity
- Social Maturity
- Emotional Maturity
- Academic Performance
- There is a need for additional players on the HS team in question without the exclusion of HS athletes who are adequately equipped to contribute to the team.
- A formal request is made to the Principal and AD.
- Request is evaluated by the Principal and AD.
- Request is approved or denied and parents of exceptional athlete are notified of decision and approve of the decision.
- In the event of scheduling conflicts between HS practice/competition and the same of the exceptional athletes grade level, the grade level event will take precedence over HS scheduling.
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Reference - Policy 5340 Student Records
Procedures 362, 470 & 535
246 AP Courses
In accordance with Morrison's Vision of a whole child education, it is important to have limits for students in regards to Advanced Placement (AP) courses. AP courses are not necessary for college admission or future success and the rigour of AP courses can be overly stressful when a student takes more than one at a time. Students may begin face to face AP courses during their junior and senior years. Students are limited to one AP course in 9th grade (AP Chinese only), one in 10th grade (AP Chinese or online course), two in 11th, and three in 12th. All AP course requests must be considered by an Academic Review Committee appointed by the principal.
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248 Graduation Requirements
Twenty-four (24) units of high school credit are required for graduation. These credits shall include the following:
0.5 unit of Bible | for each semester enrolled in the high school at Morrison Academy |
4 credits of English | |
3 credits of Social Studies | to include a unit each of World History, US History or substitute, & Government |
2 credits of Physical Education | Required: 1. 0.5 Fitness 2. 0.5 Lifetime Sports, Team Sports, or Racquet Sports 3. 0.5 Health 4. 0.5 PE Elective |
2 credits of Science | including Biology and one other lab-based science |
3 credits of Mathematics | Algebra 1 taken in 8th grade may be granted HS credit if proficiency is demonstrated |
1 credit of Visual and Performing Arts |
Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 6 classes each quarter. Credits will be granted on the basis of acceptable grades for class time spent.
Students are also encouraged to complete at least one online class before graduation to help prepare them for continuing education beyond high school.
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Reference- Policy 5352 Graduation Requirements
249 Commencement
Commencement ceremonies shall be held on each campus. Graduation requirements shall be the same for all three campuses. The graduation certificate format shall include “MORRISON ACADEMY” and the name of the campus. A representative of the Board of Trustees shall present awards in recognition of student excellence in scholarship, service, citizenship, music, drama, athletics, and other activities that are deemed appropriate. These awards will be listed in the Student Handbook.
The Superintendent, upon the recommendation of the Principal, shall approve a speaker for Commencement.
The Morrison Board of Trustees may present the following awards to the seniors and authorizes the monetary awards.
- Valedictorian: An award and 500 USD to the graduating senior with the strongest academic achievement. To be eligible for consideration as Valedictorian, a student must have completed no fewer than four semesters at Morrison Academy and is required to complete the 8th semester at Morrison. The student must also have a cumulative GPA of 4.0 or higher. Qualified students are ranked according to four categories: GPA, academic breadth, academic rigor, and academic strength. Each of these categories carries 25% of the weight. A team of teachers and school counselors with the use of rubrics assess and rank the students according to each category. These rankings are combined for an overall ranking. In the case of a tie, the student with the higher GPA will be awarded Valedictorian.
- Salutatorian: An award and 500 USD to the graduating senior with the second highest ranking at the end of eight semesters. All other criteria is the same as for Valedictorian.
- Outstanding Citizen Award: An Award and 500 USD to the senior who best typifies the ideals and expectations of Morrison Academy. The monetary award is budgeted in the System Graduation account.
The Principal may authorize additional campus commencement awards.
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References: Procedure 350 Endowment Funds
250 Attendance
Students are expected to be at school and on time every school day. In the interest of maintaining student safety, Morrison Academy students are required to remain on the school campus throughout the school day. Exceptions may be granted by the Principal.
Excused Absences: The Principal may excuse a student's absence for bereavement, health, doctor's visits, necessary trips to government offices, approved school trips, special events or extenuating circumstances. Most other absences are unexcused.
Unexcused Absences: If a student's unexcused absences exceed eight (8) days in a semester, a recommendation for discontinuation of enrollment may be made by the Principal to the Superintendent. Generally, excused absences are given for sickness, doctor's visits, necessary trips to government offices, and approved school trips. Most other absences are unexcused. Parent notes will not necessarily result in an approved excused absence.
In extenuating circumstances parents may submit a written request (at least two weeks in advance) for an extended excused absence of up to15 consecutive school days for elementary or middle school students. The Principal will consider the following factors on a case-by-case basis.
- Are there health or employment related circumstances that require this absence?
- Has the student’s academic progress consistently met learning standards?
- Has the student been absent for a total of more than eight days, excused or unexcused, within the past 12 months?
If the Principal approves the request for an extended excused absence, then the students grade will be frozen/maintained and Morrison will provide no assessment of learning during that time. The teacher(s) may volunteer to keep the student/parent/family informed of learning standards and assignments, but will not provide online learning or assessments. If the principal does not approve an extended absence then the parents are encouraged to withdraw from Morrison, enroll the students in another school and re-enroll in Morrison if they plan to return. The unexcused absence would be recorded on the report card.
Make Up Work
Excused Absence: Students will be given the opportunity to make up work and assessments for credit and grades for non-extended excused absences due to sickness or approved circumstances stated above. Students will be responsible for completing all work assigned, the assessments that were scheduled before or during the absence, and they will receive credit for the work completed. Teachers will work with students and their parents to establish a make-up plan for work missed, with up to a maximum of one week to turn in make up work. This starts from the first day the student returns to school.
Unexcused Absence: Students will be given the opportunity to make up work and assessments for unexcused absences.
Record Keeping
Attendance is to be taken daily at the beginning of the school day by the teaching staff. Each EMS first period teacher is responsible for reporting these absences to the school office.
The HS may require that attendance be taken and/or reported more often than once a day.
Each school is to have a defined procedure for checking and recording attendance. This should be described in the Student's and Teachers' handbook.
The number of days present, absent, and times tardy are to be recorded on the student's report card.
The total number of days present is recorded on the pupil's Cumulative Record Folder at the end of each school year.
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References: Vision Statement
Policy 5330 Instructional Time Requirements
Policy 5540 Discontinuation of Enrollment
Procedure 230 Student Information Management System
Procedure 265 Report Cards
252 Dance
Dance can be wholesome, enjoyable, healthy and glorifying to God. Dance at Morrison Academy is limited to educational, health, performance, celebratory or worship purposes. The school may provide opportunities for students to develop an appropriate appreciation and skills for dance.
Dance on campus or at a school-authorized event will adhere to the following principles.
- Dance at school events should be the type of dance that is taught and learned.
- Any dance that is part of a school social event should focus on building social confidence, encouraging the participation of everyone, and on the enjoyment of learning the dance style selected for the event. Since a school social event includes a variety of activities it should not be promoted as a “dance.”
- Participation is limited to currently enrolled students.
- Students and staff will show deference for those with differing personal convictions about dance.
The following are prohibited at a school-authorized event that involve dance.
- Sexually provocative behavior such as, grinding, bending over, or straddling of legs
- Exclusive pairing off or the appearance of exclusivity
- Intimate touch, such as public displays of affection or hands anywhere besides waist or shoulder
- Dancing outside a designated dance area
- Immodest attire as defined by the Student Handbook
- Music and behavior that is inconsistent with the school’s standard of conduct defined in policy 5400.
Any form of dance on campus or at school-authorized events must receive prior written approval from the Principal. Normally, requests are submitted in writing well in advance and include the educational value to the students, the dance style to be taught, the qualifications of the dance instructor(s), music, and schedule.
The principal or designee will attend any banquet or class event that includes dance. The student council or class officers that organize the event are responsible to hold students accountable to the standards of conduct. Failure to do so may result in the loss of the students’ privilege to incorporate dance education in future events and the officer’s suspension from student government.
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References: Policy 5480 Dance
Policy 5400 Standards of Conduct
210 School-Authorized Events/Programs
215 Standards for Productions, Publications and instructional Material
253 Bullying
“Bullying” is defined as overt, unwanted, repeated acts or gestures, including verbal or written communications or images transmitted in any manner (including digitally or electronically); physical acts committed; aggression; or any other behaviors committed by a student or group of students against another student with the intent to harass, ridicule, humiliate, intimidate, blackmail, or harm the targeted student, creating for the targeted student an objectively hostile school environment that:
- places the targeted student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person or property;
- has a substantially detrimental effect on the targeted student’s physical or mental health;
- has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student’s academic performance; or
- has the effect of substantially interfering with the targeted student’s ability to participate in or benefit from the services, activities, or privileges provided by the school.
Morrison Academy expects students and/or staff to immediately report incidents of bullying to the Principal. Staff who witness such acts take immediate steps to intervene when safe to do so. Each complaint of bullying should be promptly investigated. This applies to students on school grounds, while traveling to and from school or a school-sponsored activity, whether on or off campus.
Bullying will be dealt with swiftly and appropriately. At no time is any student permitted to engage in any form of bullying. Students who bully are subject to disciplinary action up to and including discontinuation of enrollment.
Staff should discuss this procedure with their students in age-appropriate ways and should assure them that they need not endure any form of bullying. The school should develop proactive strategies to promote an awareness of kindness, care and safety. Principals also are encouraged to monitor student wellbeing.
SAC 12/17
References: Policy 5400 Standards of Conduct
Policy 5540 Discontinuation of Enrollment
254 Gender
Based upon the teaching of the Bible, Morrison Academy believes God wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complementary genders together reflect the image and nature of God (Gen 1:26-27). Acceptance of one’s biological sex is an affirmation of the image of God within that person. Students who were born as males will be classified as boys, and students who were born as females will be classified as girls. Examples of practical implications include, but are not limited to:
- Students usually will participate in athletics that are aligned to their biological sex at birth unless the activity is specifically designed to be co-ed. Occasionally girls will be allowed to participate on a boys’ team. Boys will not be allowed to participate on girls’ teams.
- Students may choose to use bathrooms and locker rooms aligned to their biological sex at birth or unisex bathrooms.
- When traveling on overnight field trips, students will stay in accommodations with students of the same biological sex at birth.
Morrison Academy recognizes that not all institutions share the same values and foundational beliefs. As a school, Morrison Academy aims to model the example of Jesus Christ by remaining steadfast in our beliefs while treating others with respect and love.
- Morrison Academy will continue participating in competitions with schools of differing values and beliefs. As in all activities, student safety will be considered and monitored. A decision to withdraw a team or individual from an event for safety reasons should be discussed with the Superintendent.
- As the school partners with parents, Morrison Academy realizes that at times, parents’ convictions may differ from the school's decision regarding athletic play. In such instances, parents should email the Athletic Director to communicate their desire for their child to “opt-out” of a single competition.
- Morrison Academy asks visiting teams with differing views to honor the culture and procedures of Morrison Academy.
SAC 2/24
255 Discipline
It is expected that teachers will exhibit effective classroom management skills. Disciplinary actions, therefore, will normally be administered at the classroom level. Where there is a serious occurrence or continued student misbehavior negatively affecting the learning of others, the teacher may consult with the school counselor for advice or he/she may request the Principal to intervene and/or send him/her to the Principal.
Staff shall be responsible for encouraging and teaching students to be responsible for their own behavior. They shall clearly communicate in a timely manner with parents and Principal pertinent information and appropriate documentation and evidence regarding students' behavior.
Instructional staff is responsible for consistently applying the following guidelines in administering consequences of positive and negative behavior:
- Consequences and teacher behavior should be administered in, and tempered by love
- Consequences and teacher behavior should maintain the dignity of the student
- Consequences and teacher behavior should be logical and appropriate
- Consequences and teacher behavior should be fair, equitable and consistent
In accordance with Taiwan law, corporal punishment will not be administered.
In the event that a student fails to meet the stipulations for Policy 5351 Continuing Enrollment, the Principal may choose to place the student on probationary status for a specified period of time, normally no more than nine weeks before a review. Probationary status is to serve as an intermediate step, prior to discontinuing a student's enrollment, in order to give the student an opportunity to comply with the continuing enrollment stipulations. However, probation is not a mandatory step before discontinuation of enrollment.
The Principal will document any such action. The student and parent/guardian will be notified verbally and by email at the time their student is placed on probation. If the parent does not read English, then whenever possible a translation in the parent's mother tongue will be provided.
The Principal may suspend a student from school for violations of school rules, which are deemed to be a serious detriment to the student, the staff, the school, and/or the progress of learning. The Principal may remove a student from the campus immediately, with notification to or communication with the parent, if the student's presence poses a danger to persons or property, is an on-going threat or disruption to the academic process, and/or it is deemed to be in the student's best interest.
The Principal determines the length of suspension to a maximum of 5 days, and whether the suspension will be in-school or whether the student will be sent home. A suspension may go for longer than 5 days with the Superintendent's prior approval. The Principal will also be responsible for determining the conditions of reinstatement. The Principal will notify the Superintendent if an out of school suspension is longer than one day.
Parents are to be notified as soon as possible regarding the reason for the suspension and the conditions of reinstatement. The Principal should consider requesting that parents come to school for a meeting at this time to foster communication and understanding. If notification is done verbally, then a follow-up letter to the parents, documenting the conversation, is to be sent The Principal is required to document the reasons for the suspension, conditions of reinstatement, and the record of parent notification. The Principal is required to keep a file of all pertinent documentation.
Absences due to out of school suspensions are unexcused. In collaboration with the student's teacher, the principal will determine if any missed and made up course work may be counted as credit. A student will not be counted absent and credit will be given for work completed during an in-school suspension.
Discontinuation of Enrollment
The Principal may recommend to the student's parents that they withdraw their child based on the guidelines of Policy 5351 - Continuing Enrollment. In the event that the parents are not receptive to this counsel and the Principal is supportive of discontinuing enrollment, then the Principal may request the Superintendent to consider discontinuing a student's enrollment during a semester or for the consecutive semester/year. The Principal must provide evidence that the discontinuation of enrollment is warranted under the guidelines of Policy 5351 - Continuing Enrollment, and that due process has been followed. All documentation will be made available to the Superintendent.
If the Superintendent decides to discontinue the student's enrollment, then he/she will notify the parent (s) of the decision. They will also be informed that they have the right to appeal the decision to the Board of Trustees within seven calendar days. The decision will be documented by email to the parents. The Superintendent will inform the Board of Trustees. If the parent does not read English, then whenever possible a translation in the parent's mother tongue will be provided.
The Superintendent will be responsible for notifying the Board of Trustees regarding the decision to discontinue a student's enrollment. The Superintendent will keep a record of all documentation. A statement regarding the conditions and date of the student's discontinuation of enrollment will be placed in the student's cumulative folder, and a dated notation will be entered on the permanent record.
256 Student Vehicle Use
Students who drive a motorized vehicle to school are subject to school regulations regarding vehicle use. Such regulations shall be determined by the administration of the school. Students are not to ride or drive any vehicle on campus except as authorized. The school does not condone students commuting to school in or on motorized vehicles without proper registration, licensing, and insurance.
SAC 11/11
260 Grading
The purpose of grading is to describe how well students have achieved specific learning targets based on evidence gathered from an assignment, assessment, or other demonstration of learning. Grades are intended to inform parents, students, and others about learning successes and to guide improvements when needed. (Guskey, Jung 2013)
The following definitions and parameters are in accordance with Procedure 105 Standards Based Education.
Product Grades
Product grades reflect student performance on specific curricular standards.
Process Grades
Process grades reflect student performance on common behaviors and attitudes necessary for learning, such as responsibility, respect, and engagement.
Grading Practice Work (Traditionally referred to as “Homework”)
Practice work is a formative instructional strategy that can be used to inform and improve student learning. Practice work should only be given to reinforce or improve performance on specific standards. Generally, it should not be included in the final grade; however, in high school, if it is included, it must be connected to a learning target, and its weight should not exceed 10% of the final grade (see formative assessment).
Refer to Procedure 200 Homework
Summative Assessment
Summative assessment sums up what a student has achieved at the end of a period of time, relative to the learning targets and standards. A summative assessment may include a written test, an observation, a conversation, or a task. It may be recorded through writing, through photographs or other visual media, or through an audio recording. Whichever medium is used, the assessment will show what has been learned regarding specific learning standards.
Formative Assessment
Formative assessment takes place on a day-to-day basis during teaching and learning, allowing teachers and students to assess progress more frequently. It begins with diagnostic assessment, indicating what is already known and what gaps may exist in skills or knowledge. As the learning continues, further formative assessments indicate whether teaching plans need to be amended to reinforce or extend learning.
Formative assessments may be questions, tasks, quizzes, or more formal assessments. Often formative assessments may not be recorded at all. In high school, up to 10% of the final grade can be from formative work. (See Practice Work above)
Late Work
How late work is handled depends on whether an assignment is intended as a product grade (e.g. projects) or a process grade (e.g. reading assignments). Late practice work, for example, is limited to process grades, while projects or other summative assignments (potentially some formative assignments for HS only) are handled as a response to intervention (RTI), where an “I” (incomplete score) is the placeholder, and completion is required. High school teachers may use “0” as a placeholder. If an assignment is not completed, despite intervention, within two weeks of the original due date, the teacher may score relevant standards as a zero.
Product grades should not be reduced due to lateness; instead, this would be reflected in their process grade (eg. Responsibility).
Power Standards
Power standards are the standards that are essential for students to master to be prepared for and successful in the next grade level. While teachers will strive to teach, and may assess, all the standards, power standards will garner extra time and emphasis within the curricula. Teachers are required to assess and report on all power standards that are chosen for their course. Power standards are chosen by curriculum task forces or groups designated by the Director of Learning.
100-Point Scale
The-100 point scale is a mathematically unfair way to determine student grades. Standards grades should be recorded in the gradebook using the scales below.
Zeros should not have an unfair statistical impact on grades. On a numerical scale they only function as placeholders for incomplete work and should be handled as a Response to Intervention (RTI). They therefore have major consequences that result in character-building activities. Final academic grades can only contain zeroes if students have failed to respond to intervention strategies.
Offering reassessment is an important part of standards-based grading. Teachers must allow for at least one reassessment opportunity per power standard. Students with a grade of DM/5 or below on an assessed standard must be encouraged to participate in reassessment. Teachers should require students to demonstrate learning by completing additional practice before having the opportunity to reassess a standard. Reassessment must be done before the end of the quarter or date designated by the teacher within two weeks of the original due date. Middle school and high school schedules may allocate dedicated times for students to engage in reassessment.
Averaging within a standard is strongly discouraged in standards-based practice. The most recent assessment and/or teacher judgment is a better determinant for a standard grade. Averaging across course standards to determine a final grade is acceptable when a final grade must be determined.
Using Percentages
Teachers should only use percentage as a grade determinant for a standard when applicable to that standard. For example, a teacher may decide that (Mastery) of a vocabulary standard would mean a student has 90% or more vocabulary words correct on an assessment. However, percentage would not be applicable for a standard that mentions a specific knowledge indicator (e.g. counting to 100).
Gradebooks are organized by standards, and teachers are required to record and report in the gradebook on each Power Standard. Gradebooks will not be organized by any other categories other than standards. If a course requires a final letter grade, standard grades from that course will generally be determined by averaging course standards. In some cases, teacher discretion may be used.
Weighting should not be used in broad, traditional academic categories such as tests, quizzes, homework, or participation; rather, it should be used only with standards. Some standards, such as power standards, may be weighted more heavily than others.
Extra credit
Teachers should not give extra credit/bonus points; however, teachers can allow students to demonstrate improvement on a standard through reassessment. Please refer to Reassessment.
Final Exams
High school final exams are not required but can be an appropriate tool for measuring cumulative performance or overall retention over a semester. With teacher approval, students may earn the right to not take a final exam if they have demonstrated mastery in course content throughout the semester. Final exams should not exceed 15% of the final semester grade. If a “final exam” is given in middle school, it should not be calculated as a percentage of the final grade.
Grading in AP Courses
AP course teachers are allowed to limit the use of reassessments with principal permission. Teachers of AP courses must follow all other grading procedures.
Online AP Courses
High school (9th-12th) face-to-face AP (Advanced Placement) classes earn GPA credit based on a 5.0 scale (i.e. A=5.0, A- = 4.7, B+ = 4.3, B = 4.0, see chart below). Taipei and Kaohsiung campus online AP courses will follow the same grading scales (i.e. A=5.0, A- = 4.7, B+ = 4.3, B = 4.0, see chart below); however, to avoid artificial inflation of GPA, online courses will not be counted when determining awards, scholarships, valedictorian, or other recognitions from Morrison Academy.
Grade Conversion
Final grades are calculated from Product Grade performance on all power standards and relevant course standards assessed during a grading period in middle school and high school only. The final grade will be calculated by the grading tool, but can also be determined by teacher discretion. In high school only, final exams (up to 15%) and formative assessment (up to 10%) may be included in final grades.
Quarter and Semester Grades
Quarter grades for middle and high school are ‘rolling grades’ that can be changed, based on student performance, as the semester continues. Only semester grades are final. Probation is based on quarter or progress reports.
Grading Scales:
Grading Scale Kindergarten - 8th Grade
Scale | Definition | Explanation |
M | Mastery | The student consistently demonstrates understanding and application of the content/skills at the standard’s expectation. |
NM | Near Mastery | The student demonstrates understanding and application of content/skills, but some gaps in learning and/or application of content/skills indicate that more practice is required. |
DM | Developing Mastery | The student demonstrates partial understanding and application of content/skills, but multiple, significant gaps indicate that more practice is required to deepen content knowledge and master application of skills. |
R | Remediation | The student demonstrates little understanding and application of content/skills; extensive practice is required to bridge multiple, significant gaps and deepen content knowledge and master application of skills. |
Grading Scale 9-12th
Descriptor | Definition | Standards Based Grade |
Exemplary | Demonstrates an advanced level of knowledge and understanding of the standard and clearly integrates higher level thinking skills. | 9 |
8 | ||
Proficient | Meets grade level standard. Demonstrates solid knowledge and understanding. | 7 |
6 | ||
Basic | Demonstrates progress toward grade-level standards, but not yet at standard. Demonstrates some knowledge and understanding. | 5 |
4 | ||
Below Basic | Not meeting grade level standard. Showing minimal progress. Additional support needed to develop knowledge and understanding. | 3 |
2 | ||
Failure | Little or no evidence of learning | 1 |
0 |
Process Grading Descriptors Grades 6-8
Descriptor | Examples |
Respect | Serving others Waiting your turn Being polite Following the rules Cleaning up Being encouraging |
Responsibility | Doing your homework Being on time Using tech well Staying organized Being prepared Giving due credit |
Engagement | Asking questions Taking risks Collaborating well Seeking Truth Staying on topic Doing your best |
Process Grading Descriptors Grades 9-12
Descriptor | *Examples |
Respect | Offers constructive dialogue and feedback Responds to others with empathy Follows rules and expectations Interacts respectfully with teachers |
Responsibility | Completes assignments on time Comes to school/class on time and prepared Makes use of class time Uses technology appropriately Does not cheat or commit plagiarism |
Engagement | Asks Questions Collaborates effectively Takes academic and creative risks Demonstrates a genuine desire to learn |
* Students do not necessarily need to fulfill all the criteria in a category to receive a 4 or 3 in that area- these are suggested examples.
Process Grading Scale (K-12)
4 | Consistently |
3 | Usually |
2 | Sometimes |
1 | Rarely/Never |
Additional services = When noted on the report card, this indicates that there is a provision of ELL (English Language Learner) and/or LN (Learning Needs) program for which the parent pays additionally. Enrollment is based on school identification of need and parent approval. When marked, a copy of the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) evaluation is included with the report card.
Modified Program = When noted on the report card, this indicates that in this area of study, the student's program has been adjusted from the standard school expectations in order to meet individual need(s) and/or circumstances. This is done and indicated only with principal permission and will normally be limited to those receiving additional LN services.
Middle School (6th-8th grade) Exploratory Courses use process grades only.
SAC 10/3/22
Reference: Procedure 105 Standards-Based Education
Procedure 200 Homework
265 Report Cards
Report cards are confidential written records of student's progress. They are provided to students and parents at the end of each major grading period (four times per school year). It is noted that report cards are an important tool that communicates student progress and align with Morrison curriculum. They should be completed with accuracy and with care. They should be neat, use good grammar, and be readable (i.e. easily understood and interpreted). The following procedures apply to their creation, completion and communication with parents:
- K-12 Grades are accumulated over a semester time period. The 1st and 3rd quarter report cards are considered “mid-semester” progress reports. These reports should only be sent digitally through the gradebook platforms. Communication to parents should indicate the purpose of the 1st and 3rd quarter reports.
- The report card document:
- may differ in content and/or layout according to grade level groupings as long as it is standard throughout the system.
- is to include the appropriate grading scale with explanation of terms.
- is to include appropriate indication of student attendance i.e. days in school, times tardy, etc.
- Each campus will designate a staff member responsible for the report cards. Reports cards are to be completed by the appropriate teachers within a timeline determined by the Principal - usually within a week after the end of the grading period. There should be a minimum of one (1) day between this completion and the time when the report goes to the parent in order to give the office/Principal time to review for accuracy, completeness, neatness, and the appropriateness of comments.
- A hard copy of the report card should be placed in the cumulative file of each school year or when a student withdraws.
- NOTE: When academic work has not been completed at the time reports cards are distributed, it will be shown by an “Inc.” (Incomplete) on the card. Normally a maximum of two weeks is given for students to complete the work and clear the Incomplete. After that time, the grade is to be recorded with the appropriate reduction. Cases needing longer than two weeks must have the prior approval of the Principal.
- Report cards can be shared with parents in one of these ways:
- Remind parents to check progress online.
- at the time of the Parent Teacher Conference - end of the first and third quarter.
- sent home with the student after appropriate parent notification.
- parent(s) come in and pick it up from the office or teacher - useful when there is a need to talk with the parent(s) directly.
- mailing the report card home - usually done in the high school and especially important with dorm students.
- Emailed to parents at the end of the quarter.
- It is the responsibility of the site administrator to be certain that (a) there is a site copy of the earned grades, and (b) the earned grades, plus the activity record and GPA where appropriate, are recorded in the student's cumulative record card; there needs to be a certainty of 'tracking' a grade and other records when needed.
Transcripts/permanent records are not released at any time until all accounts are settled and fully paid.
SAC 11/20
270 Progress Reports
The progress report is part of a multi-faceted, comprehensive reporting system used in partnering with parents.
Progress Reports are a tool used by teachers to communicate with parents and students regarding a student’s learning progress, work habits, and/or behavior. Progress reports typically communicate concerns but may also be used when a student has shown stellar work or when noticeable improvement has been made.
It is the responsibility of the teacher to keep parents informed of student progress.Any student falling below the satisfactory level shall be issued a progress report at the mid-point in each quarter. Progress reports may be sent throughout the year.
Progress reports will be generated through Morrison’s student information management system (SIMS). Access to progress reports will be on the student and parent portals through Morrison’s SIMS. A principal may choose to have progress reports printed and sent home with the student or in the mail. Principals ensure clear communication with parents about when and how progress reports will go out.
SAC 5/13
275 Student Education Records
The purpose is an ongoing record which reflects the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and academic aspects of a student’s educational progress or development through Morrison Academy. The school shall maintain the student education records for each student within Morrison’s student information management system (SIMS).
These records will be current and include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Admissions passport and current copy of passport
- Basic Demographic and Family Information
- Parent Restrictions
- Student Picture
- Any IEPs (Individualized Education Program)
- Academic Records
- Progress Reports
- Documentation regarding major disciplinary action(s) including suspension or expulsion
- School-Wide Appraisal Results
- Registration Form Consent/Medical Update
- Health history and immunizations for new students
- Health Information (immunization records, school entry physical exam, and sports physical for MS and HS and homeschooled students)
- Transcript Data Information(as applicable)
- Previous School Records (scanned in if needed)
Confidentiality, Access, and Requests
Student education records (SER) are confidential and restricted to administration, school counselor, teaching staff, secretary, school/nurse, custodial parent/ legal guardian, and an emancipated student. Administrative rights must be approved by the Principal.
SER may only be copied and/or forwarded to custodial parents/ legal guardian or to another school with a signed consent request from the custodial parents/ legal guardian. Official SER may be released only after all financial obligations to the school have been met.
Student education records may be transferred within Morrison Academy schools without the consent of custodial parents/guardian.
Student and parent online or portal access to student education records will be limited.
Copies of transcripts of Morrison Academy High School graduates will be stored with the Association of Christian Schools, International (ACSI) and are available upon authorized request.
Paper copies of transcripts, diplomas, passports, and health records will be retained on each Morrison high school campus for perpetuity, filed in alphabetical order. When the student graduates or otherwise withdraws from Morrison, all the other documents in the cum folder are given to the custodial parent or legal guardian of the student.
When a student leaves Morrison during K-8th grades, hard copies of report cards will remain on file until the student’s original high school graduation date. All the other documents in the cum folder are given to the custodial parent or legal guardian of the student.
The Principal on each campus will ensure student education records are updated annually on Morrison’s SIMS.
- Updated information would include but not limited to course or subject final grades, health information, demographics, and School-Wide Appraisal results.
- When a student leaves Morrison Academy, their student education record will be changed to an inactive status. If the student enrolls again in Morrison Academy, the file will become active.
The Director of Information Technology Services will maintain and send out a relevant electronic re-enrollment and enrollment application through Morrison’s SIMS.
Cumulative folder documents may be retained in a paper archive.
SAC 4/22
Reference - Policy #5340 Student Records
280 Retention
A retention decision is the responsibility of the Principal. A teacher is not to suggest/recommend this to a parent without prior Principal knowledge and approval. Retention is more effective at the lower elementary grade levels. If a student is at risk of retention, the teacher should notify the Principal as soon as possible. A meeting should be scheduled, preferably before the end of the first semester, to discuss the situation. In the meeting the teachers should bring multiple pieces of data to show how the academic and/or social concerns were addressed without success:
- Classroom: Documentation that shows the strategies the teacher tried and didn’t work in the classroom. It should include student assessment date, student work, anecdotal notes, etc.
- Communication: Documentation of how they have partnered with parents to address these concerns as early as possible (i.e. conferences, emails, letters, phone calls, etc.).
- Procedure #281 Intervention Teams: Documentation of what strategies the team recommended that worked or didn’t.
Subsequently, the 'Light Retention Scale' or another appropriate testing tool may be administered by the teacher or Learning Specialist.
If the assessment confirms that the student is a good candidate for retention, then the Principal will be responsible for consulting with the parent(s) regarding the possibility of retention. The parent should be informed of this no later than the end of April.
After final consults with the appropriate teacher(s) and/or the intervention team, taking into consideration the child’s social and emotional maturity, student’s current academic (passing Math and Language Arts), possible success next year, parental involvement, teacher observations, and retention scale results the final decision on retention should be made before the end of April. A comprehensive plan will be designed for the following year which considers what changes need to be implemented for those areas that were most difficult for the student. If the parent(s) is not in agreement with the retention, the school retains the right to make retention a qualification for continuing enrollment according to Policy 5351 - Continuing Enrollment. All meetings between the parent(s) and school personnel will be documented, and the documentation should be kept in the Principal's confidential file.
Decisions on retention of Special Needs students will be made by the Principal, in conjunction with the IEP team.
SAC 4/12
Reference: Policy 5351 - Continuing Enrollment
Procedure 281 Intervention Teams
281 Intervention Process
Students identified of needing extra support to meet classroom expectations can be referred to the learning specialist by any staff member, parent, or self referral by the student. Based on the referral, analysis will be made to determine if an intervention is necessary. If an intervention is not deemed necessary, the learning specialist will follow up in 30 calendar days. If an intervention is deemed necessary, an intervention team will be formed, which may include student, parents, teachers, learning specialist, school counselor, and principal. This team will meet to discuss the concerns, analyze the cause of the problem, identify goals, select intervention strategies, and develop a monitoring system. The intervention will be implemented for between 45 to 90 calendar days. During the 45 to 90 days, a variety of strategies may be used and monitored. The team will meet again at the end of this time to review the student’s progress and recommend any necessary adjustments to the intervention plan, which may include additional evaluation.
Meeting Procedure Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings should include the following: a time of prayer, gathering background information, listening to teacher and parent concerns, evaluating student strengths, academic and/or behavioral goals, and determining the type of services and accommodations the child will be receiving.
SAC 4/22
283 Learning Needs Program
Students identified with Learning Needs (LN) are those students who require special educational accommodations and curricular modifications (IEP/504) and/or related support services. These services may include individualized or small group instruction provided in a resource classroom and/or inclusion support in the regular classroom in order to allow them to function at an age/grade appropriate level. Services are determined after identifying physical, mental, behavioral, or sensory characteristics that deviate from the norm. To obtain an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), a student must have one of the 13 disabilities listed under the IDEA with that disability negatively affecting their learning in a school environment. A 504 plan covers a much wider range of disabilities and is less comprehensive in structure, allowing for classroom support and accommodations for students who do not meet IDEA criteria but still have a disability that impacts their learning.
Program Services
The LN Program is a service, not a location. Each student in this program receives an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Accommodations Plan. Instructional services, in the inclusion setting and resource room setting, are determined by student needs according to their IEP or 504 Accommodations Plan. Using a multi-tiered system of support, each student’s needs are met at their level of need.
Admissions Screening
If during the new student admissions process the Admissions Coordinator/Principal determines that a student may have learning needs, then the Admissions Coordinator/Principal may arrange for the student to be screened for learning needs. This expense will be paid by the parent.
Normally, students with learning needs who are not children of missionaries will not be eligible for admittance to the school. Exceptions may be made by the superintendent, providing the school is capable of meeting their educational needs. Learning needs that require superintendent approval include but are not limited to:
- Limited intellectual ability (IQ score of less than 80)
- Significant sight, hearing, or speech impairment that prevents them from participating in a regular classroom
- Severe physical disabilities and mobility impairments
- Profound or severe autism
- Severe forms of learning disabilities
- Need for intensive and inclusive one-to-one support and/or specialized instruction (requiring more than 1-2 pull-out class periods per day to be successful at Morrison) and facilities
- Intellectual disability
- Pronounced social/emotional/behavioral difficulties
In addition to normal admission procedures, the principal will determine eligibility for admission using the following criteria as outlined in Policy 5240:
- The ability of the school to provide qualified personnel and appropriate resources beyond the year of admittance
- The school's potential for helping the family meet their educational goals for the student.
- The results of screening, interview, and testing procedures
- Enrollment limitations as stated in Policy 5205
- The strengths of the teacher(s)
- Parental agreement to pay LN fees
Teacher Referrals
The classroom teacher, other Morrison staff, or the parent should meet with a Learning Specialist regarding any student who is not achieving at an appropriate level or who is suspected of having learning needs. If the referral is from the teacher or staff member, the classroom teacher should contact the parents and discuss his/her concerns. If concerns persist, the teacher should request the Learning Specialist to arrange an intervention team meeting. After an examination of past records/reports, the principal or Learning Specialist will meet with the teacher and explore alternative strategies, and set a date for a follow-up meeting with the intervention team members.
If little or no progress is noted within 45 to 90 calendar days, and the intervention team still feels that a referral is warranted, the Learning Specialist should refer the student for assessment. The Learning Specialist will gather the necessary documentation and may recommend that the System Diagnostician or a psychologist conduct testing. The Learning Specialist will contact the parent to recommend assessment, obtain permission to test, and inform parents of the fee to have their child tested before the student meets with the diagnostician or the psychologist.
Upon completion of the assessment and report, a time will be scheduled to meet with the person who conducted the assessment (i.e., diagnostician or psychologist) and other involved parties. The Learning Specialist will give written notification of the meeting to the parents at least five days prior to the meeting; the parents may request an earlier meeting. The Learning Specialist will be responsible for chairing the meeting. If the test results indicate that a student has learning disabilities or other written diagnosis that requires an individualized education plan (IEP), and their needs can be met within Morrison Academy's program, then an IEP will be developed. An evaluation of continuing enrollment will be made annually for those students who are receiving direct services to determine if the school can continue to meet their educational needs. The System Diagnostician will inform the Cashier of all assessment fees to be billed to the parents after the report meeting has taken place.
Admission, Review, Dismissal IEP Committee
The Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) Committee will include the principal or his/her designee, the student's teacher(s), the Learning Specialist, the student's parent(s) and the student, when appropriate.
It will be the responsibility of the ARD Committee to determine the eligibility for support services, to develop and review the student’s IEP, and to review a student’s continuation or dismissal from the LN program. An IEP will be developed by the ARD Committee headed by the Learning Specialist for students who are placed in the Learning Needs Program. The IEP may include:
- A statement of the student's present levels of performance.
- Annual goals and short term goals.
- The amount of time to be spent in the educational setting (i.e. pull-out services, inclusion services, dropping foreign language, etc.).
- The projected dates for initiation of services and the anticipated duration of the services.
- The services, time allotted, person responsible and the LN fee for each service to be provided.
- The objective criteria, evaluation procedures, and the schedule for evaluating progress, (at least annually) and whether or not the short-term objectives are being achieved.
- The modifications or exemptions from some or all of the basic skills assessment instruments, including grading and academic assignments.
- The modifications of regular classroom procedures, including behavioral and discipline expectations.
IEPs will be reviewed at least annually by the ARD Committee to determine the student's progress and whether or not the plan needs to be modified. Retesting will be done every 3 years, as is practiced in the USA (depending upon availability of a licensed educational psychologist), to determine continued eligibility in the LN program. The cost of these tests is paid for by parents.
Students with disabilities will be educated appropriately to meet the student's individual learning plan and overall educational needs. In most cases, students with learning needs are mainstreamed into the regular classroom, and it will be the responsibility of the classroom teacher(s) to implement the IEP, with the assistance of the Learning Specialist serving as an additional resource as determined by the IEP. Services by the Learning Specialist can vary from working with student(s) directly in the regular classroom, pull-out services, and/or observing and consulting with the regular classroom teacher. Student needs established in the IEP will determine when pull-out services and/or inclusion is the best method to be employed.
In most cases, students with learning needs will be placed no lower than one grade below his/her expected grade level, as determined by chronological age. The Superintendent, after consultation with or request from the Principal, may approve a placement of a student lower than one grade level below his/her expected grade level.
The Learning Needs program is not covered by tuition. A fee shall be charged to the parents of a student who requires an IEP. These LN fees will be based on the student's level of need, as noted on their IEP. Charges will follow the Tuition and Fees Schedule. The Learning Specialist will notify the Cashier of all new admissions and exits from the LN program and the applicable LN fee.
LN Student Discipline
The Principal, after consultation with the Learning Specialist, has the authority to administer discipline according to procedure 255.
Learning Specialist Assignment
Full time learning specialists’ FTE will be determined by a point system for students based on their caseload. A full time load is 20 points:
- Observation, testing coordination, professional learning, and teacher support: 5 points IEP/504 only students: 1 point
- Tier One students: 2 points
- Tier Two students: 3 points
- Tier Three students have more specific needs and require approval from the Superintendent for admission and service provision. Points for Tier Three students will be determined by the Learning Specialist in consultation with the Principal after the IEP meeting.
Any campus need over 20 points will be fulfilled by aides. The aides will be managed by, and report to, the Learning Specialist. Aide work should be paid hourly.
- On a quarterly basis, the Learning Specialist will normally observe each student on an IEP to ensure accommodations/modifications are being met.
- Pull-out instructional sections will have between 1-5 students each, as long as students have the same basic needs and are close in age/grade.
- Pull-out instructional sections replace regular instruction in the classroom.
- If the Learning Specialist is utilized as an extra support in a resource room , students do not need to be as close in age or have the same struggles.
- Learning needs pull-out sections are usually 30 to 45 minutes and can vary from one day per week to daily.
Student Records
Students who have undergone diagnostic testing for LN should have two files. They should have a regular cumulative folder, which is kept in the school office (high school files may be kept in the Counseling Center). The second file, the diagnostic file, should be kept in the office of the Learning Specialist. This file should contain all records of psychological testing, psychological reports, recommendations, IEPs etc. Teachers will have access to diagnostic files of any of their students. These files must be viewed while in the presence of the diagnostician or the Learning Specialist. The following persons will have complete access to diagnostic files:
- parents or legal guardians
- diagnostician - system
- Learning Specialist
- Principal - site
- Director of Learning
- Superintendent
A copy of the regular cumulative folder is sent at the receiving school's request. A copy of the diagnostic file is only released outside of the Morrison system upon receiving a signed release from the custodial parents or guardians; the original remains in Morrison's possession. This signed release is filed in the diagnostic file and kept in the file.
Cumulative folders of former students should be kept in an archives filing cabinet for seven years. Diagnostic files of former students should be kept in an archives file in the office of the Learning Specialist for seven years. A diagnostic file log should be kept on the inside jacket of the diagnostic file to record those who have accessed it. After seven years of inactivity and the student has left Morrison Academy, the file will be shredded.
SAC 2/22
References - Policy 4320, 5205, 5240, 5340, 5540
Procedure 332
287 English Language Learner (ELL) Program
Morrison Academy provides English Language Learning (ELL) services for kindergarten through eighth-grade students who are not yet proficient in English but otherwise qualify for admissions based on board policy 5250. ELL services are not provided to high school students in grades nine through twelve. The ELL program is intended to support students during their transition to Morrison to function independently at grade-appropriate levels within three years of admittance.
Admissions Screening
All non-native English speakers will be screened for potential English language learning needs in the admissions process.
Referral If the teacher feels that a student might have an ELL need, the teacher should notify the principal. The principal will contact the ELL teacher and/or learning specialist to arrange for:
- Observing to be done by someone other than the classroom teacher
- Comparing work samples to others in the class
- Conferencing with the classroom teacher, ELL teacher, teacher who observed the student, and others as needed within five days of referral
- Administering the appropriate test(s) as needed and reporting the results to the principal
Levels of Need
The students who require extra language support will be classified as follows:
- Moderate Need - Students whose test result scores are within one grade level below grade placement are prescribed the equivalent of one period of ELL per day.
- Significant Need - Students whose test result scores are between one and two grade levels below grade placement are prescribed the equivalent of two periods of ELL per day
Admission, Review, Exit
Criteria for entrance into and exit from the ELL program will be determined by standardized assessment results. The principal, with input from the tester, will determine if the student qualifies for ELL instruction and if the student's need is SIGNIFICANT or MODERATE based on the tester's and/or ELL teacher's recommendation. For all students who qualify for ELL instruction, admission to the school is contingent upon enrollment limitations. The ELL fees will be posted on subsequent billings, as long as the student is enrolled in ELL instruction.
Near the end of each semester, the ELL teacher will discuss the progress of the students who are deemed ready to exit out of ELL with their teacher(s). In order to exit from ELL classes, the students must exhibit progress in ELL standards, demonstrate ability to function in a regular class without modifications, and show grade level achievement on school-wide standardized achievement tests. ELL exit testing will be given to determine if the students qualify for exit from the ELL program. In addition, the decision should be made corporately between the principal, ELL teacher and the Homeroom or Language Arts teacher. The principal has the final decision in determining whether a student is ready to exit the program.
Parents will be notified in writing when their child is exited out of ELL. After exiting the ELL program, the student's progress will be monitored for one semester. If the student's academic achievement drops below Near Mastery in multiple standards or there is evidence of the student experiencing difficulty in classes, then the principal may consider re-enrollment in the ELL program. The Principal or ELL site coordinator will notify the Cashier of all new admissions and exits from the ELL program and the applicable charge.
Report Cards
An ELL teacher reports quarter grades and comments as part of the student’s regular report card (in accordance with Procedure 260).
For External and System Assessments (refer to procedure 120), students in ELL should be given time-and-a-half. For example, if an assessment would normally take 60 minutes, ELL students should be given 90 minutes to complete the assessment.
Student Records
The ELL teacher will be responsible to enter into the student's ELL folder the date of admittance to and exit from the ELL program.
290 Home School Services
Morrison is committed to helping missionaries and approved Christian workers in the education of their child(ren), including provisions of some homeschooling services. These services may include, but are not limited to, library media, certain external assessments, counseling, curriculum and enrollment in selected classes. User fees for homeschooling service shall be established by the Director of Finance in order to cover additional expenses that the school may incur above and beyond the regular program.
Homeschool services provided by Morrison Academy are only available to families who meet at least one of the following conditions:
- Missionaries residing in Taiwan (as defined in Policy 1613)
- Christian Worker residing in Taiwan (as defined in Policy 1614)
- Graduates of Morrison Academy
- Families who already have children at Morrison and intend to enroll their home-schooled child(ren) to Morrison in the future.
- Families who have had a child enrolled at Morrison for at least 3 years.
If a family wishes to fully enroll their child(ren) in Morrison and receive these discounts, they will need to comply with Policy 4281 and 4282 respectively. Participation in Morrison Academy homeschooling services will not be a factor in a student being considered for admission to Morrison Academy educational program.
The following conditions apply for homeschool services provided by Morrison Academy.
- Families receiving homeschool service must be homeschooling their own expatriate child(ren).
- homeschool students are not eligible to receive LN Program Services.
- homeschool students may not enroll in elementary middle school Bible, English, math, science, or social studies due to scheduling and integrated assignments. Class size limits (Policy 5205) may not be exceeded. Admission of homeschool students in any other school course, including ELL or Mandarin, follows the normal admissions process and priorities, including relevant placement testing, space availability and approval by the Principal. While attending Morrison classes the student must comply with the same procedures and behavioral standards as full-time students. Progress reports, report cards, and/or transcripts may be issued. If appropriate, Morrison common assessments may be given to the enrolled homeschooler.
- Each homeschool student receiving services are required to be covered under Morrison Academy’s government student insurance at the family’s expenses if the students are not covered in that plan elsewhere.
- Middle and high school sports participants must complete a Health Record and a physical examination report for the Campus Health Coordinator’s records.
- Morrison Academy does not accept responsibility for homeschool students, except when they are participating in courses and programs to which they have been formally enrolled. Parents are responsible for all supervision outside of on-site class time, including time before, after and/or between classes.
- All correspondence course costs (registration, tuition, texts and materials purchase, and mailing) are the responsibility of the parent.
- Current textbooks may not be loaned to parents unless the missionary parents are homeschooling their children on home assignment and plan on returning to Morrison.
- Participation by non-missionary families will be reviewed each year and may not be extended if resources become limited.
Principals will oversee site homeschool procedures. Normally the Admissions Coordinator will be responsible for homeschooling admissions and will serve as a liaison between the homeschool family and the school. He or she will determine which families are eligible to receive homeschool services, submit billing to the Business Office, and keep an updated listing of students being served and the services each is receiving. This listing is to be given to the Director of Learning at the end of each semester.
SAC 8/19
Reference - Procedure 463 Health Care
Homeschooling Services User Fee Schedule
295 Required Instructional Time - Elementary and Middle School
To provide a common, comprehensive, Biblically permeated, and academically focused core curriculum, certain levels of Engaged Instructional Time ought to be committed to facilitating a balanced repertoire of content exposure. This will better ensure student access to a college preparatory high school and will provide them with the foundation required to exercise future academic and career options.
The figures that follow are based on the average number of minutes over a five-day period. It assumes that approximately 360 minutes of instructional time is available each day. Common prep periods could be scheduled to facilitate professional dialogue and collaborative planning and conferencing.
Elementary Engaged Instructional Time
Principals will coordinate the scheduling of PE, Mandarin, Library, Guidance, Music, and Art. Classroom teachers should schedule the remaining core subjects. A copy should be provided for the principal. Integration of language arts, social studies, and science is encouraged in order to enhance student learning and provide flexibility in instruction time.
Grade K-2 Engaged Instructional Time
Subject | Minimum # of Minutes (5 days) | |
Bible/Chapel | 150 | |
Phonics/Word Work | 150 | |
Language Arts/Library1 | 525 | OR LA/SS/Science Integration Block 750 |
Social Studies3 | 112.5 | |
Science3 | 112.5 | |
Mathematics | 225 | |
Physical Education | 100 | |
Mandarin | 150 | |
Performing Arts* | 60 | |
Visual Arts | 60 | |
Guidance | 30 | |
Principal Directive | 125 | |
Total | 1800 minutes |
Grade 3-5 Engaged Instructional Time
Subject | Minimum # of Minutes (5 days) | |
Bible/Chapel | 150 | |
Word Work | 125 | |
Language Arts/Library2 | 475 | OR LA/SS/Science Integration 700 |
Social Studies3 | 112.5 | |
Science3 | 112.5 | |
Mathematics | 225 | |
Physical Education | 100 | |
Mandarin | 150 | |
Performing Arts | 60 for 3rd and 4th (80 for 5th only) | |
Visual Arts | 60 | |
Guidance | 45 | |
Principal Directive | 185 (165 for 5th) | |
Total | 1800 minutes |
1 Library instruction time can be included in the LA instructional minutes total. Based on a 5-day cycle, 765 minutes a week for combined Language Arts time is the target that is desirable, but each campus is allowed some flexibility with this time. It should not be less than 675 minutes a week for 5-day cycle.
2 Library checkout and scheduled lessons can be included in the LA instructional minutes total. Based on a 5-day cycle, 750 minutes a week for combined Language Arts time is the target that is desirable, but each campus is allowed some flexibility with this time. It should not be less than 600 minutes a week for 5-day cycle.
3 Some English Language Learner students may have ELL instruction in place of other subjects, but these classes will usually be scheduled during social studies, science, or Mandarin with preference to Mandarin.
Middle School Instructional Time
Principals will coordinate the middle school schedule.
Subject | Average # of Minutes (5 days) |
Advisory | 30 |
Bible/Chapel3 | 200 |
Language Arts1 | 360 |
Social Studies | 200 |
Science | 200 |
Mathematics | 200 |
Physical Education | 100 |
Mandarin | 120 |
Visual & Performing Arts/Exploratory2 | 160 |
Guidance | 40 |
Principal Directive/Transition Time | 190 |
Total | 1800 minutes |
1 Language Arts each week involves age appropriate technology integration with LA benchmarks. Each campus is allowed some flexibility with this time. It should not be less than 360 minutes a week for 5-day cycle.
2 Visual and Performing Arts are only offered in this context at Middle School; they must be given preference in determining which and how many electives are available. In order to encourage middle school students to have consistent exposure to the broader VPA program, middle school students should take one performing arts course per grade per year. Also, middle school students should take the Middle School Art Core course during their middle school years.
3 At least 1 half-day community Christian service learning opportunity per semester are in addition to the 200 minutes per week requirement. Chapel will normally be weekly.
Some English Language Learner students may have ELL instruction in place of other subjects, but these classes will usually be scheduled during social studies, science, PE, or Mandarin.
Some English Language Learner students may have ELL instruction in place of other subjects, but these classes will usually be scheduled during social studies, science, PE, or Mandarin.
SAC 11/22
299 Online Learning
Should Morrison Academy be forced to close its physical campuses due to any reason such as an epidemic, political instability or military action, the school shall maintain a capacity for online learning that would enable the students to finish their studies for the current semester.
Teaching is not defined as someone standing in front of a class delivering content to students, but rather an experience designed by a teacher that allows for learning, practice, and assessment. Although face-to-face learning environments are better for the educational needs of the whole child, Morrison is ready to use online learning for extended periods of time when circumstances require it. Online Learning is a teacher-designed combination of live virtual classroom meetings, recorded videos of lessons, using online subscription sites for practice and assessment, and providing resources and guidance for students to continue their learning at home with and without technology.
Each campus has an Online Learning website for information and instructions for each grade level and course. Principals, Learning Coaches, and Educational Technology Coaches have the responsibility to update and maintain these sites, communicate the information to parents and students, as well as assist teachers as they plan their Online Learning. Learning Specialists and other designated Support Staff will work with students on Individualized Education Plans and other students as needed.
SAC 4/20
References - Policy 5335 Crisis Contingency
454 Crisis Management
455 School Closure